Planets time to travel around the sun

Planets time to travel around the sun

Here’s the orbital period of our solar system’s 8 major planets (how long it takes each to travel around the sun). Their size is to scale and their speed is accurate relative to Earth’s. The repetition of each GIF is proportional to their orbital period. Mercury takes less than 3 months to zoom around Sol, Neptune takes nearly 165 years.

Earth’s orbit is the path in which the Earth travels around the Sun. Earth lies at an average distance of 149.59787 million kilometers (93 million miles) from the Sun[1] and a complete orbit occurs every 365.256 days (1 sidereal year), during which time Earth travels 940 million kilometers (584 million miles).[2] Earth’s orbit has an eccentricity of 0.0167. Earth’s orbital motion gives an apparent movement of the Sun with respect to other stars at a rate of about 1° per day (or a Sun or Moon diameter every 12 hours) eastward as seen from Earth.[nb 1] Earth’s orbital speed averages about 30 km/s (67,000 mph), which is fast enough to cover the planet’s diameter in seven minutes and the distance to the Moon in four hours.[3]

Viewed from a vantage point above the north poles of both the Sun and the Earth, the Earth would appear to revolve in a counterclockwise direction about the Sun. From the same vantage point, both the Earth and the Sun would appear to rotate in a counterclockwise direction about their respective axes. More.

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